Roberts Radio Type MR

Roberts Radio started production in 1932 with a desire to make high quality radio receivers. Throughout their company's life Roberts Radio has concentrated on portable receivers, but has aimed to make sure that there is no compromise in quality simply because a radio may be movable. The company remains in business today and still remains true to its aim of producing radios of better than average quality. Naturally all this comes at a cost, and Roberts Radio's have always been at the upper end of the price range. 

Pictured on this page though is a model from 1953, the type MR. It is a mains only receiver, but like most of the company's  production is portable. It operates on either MW or LW, and featured a valve line-up of ECH81, EBF81, ECL80, EZ80. And so to that price, well it cost £15.2.0 +pt. As a comparison the Philips 141U from 1954 is a reasonable alternative (can be seen here). Like the Roberts it is presented in a cabinet with built-in carrying handle, incorporating a 4 valve circuit and operating from mains only. The Philips cost £11.18.6+pt, so there is no doubt buying a Roberts Radio cost the purchaser about 20% more. However quality always wins in the end, as today Roberts Radio is amongst the most popular marque for people who collect single brands of Radios only. A famous motor car manufacturer (Royce) once said "The quality of an item is remembered long after its price is forgotten". Wise words I'd say.

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